Saturday, January 17, 2009

My "Bucket List"

While watching the Travel Channel this afternoon about the 10 greatest places on earth! One of which was the Grand Canyon, and showed people white water rafting down the Colorado River! Wow, that is definitely something I've always wanted to do. It's now on my bucket list. Not that I'm old, but I believe you can never start that list too early in life!

Bucket List (in no particular order)
1. White water rafting
2. Visit Australia
3. Be brave enough to scuba dive
4. Fly a plane
5. Be on the Price is Right
6. Meet Matthew McConaughey

I'm sure there are many more things that I'd love to do that I haven't thought of yet or that haven't crossed my mind!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year, New Me

Wow, you know I say this every year. I make a resolution to lose weight, yet, I drop off somewhere between the 1 & 2 day of the year.
This year it is not a resolution to lose weight, its a change of life. A change in my eating habits and exercising more. It's not that I eat too much, its that I eat the wrong things and I don't exercise. I HATE EXERCISE! There I said it. But I don't actually hate it, I hate the thought of it, but at the end of my workout I feel energized and ready for the day!
I wish I had the urge to want to exercise everyday like my friend Julie, but I'm just not there yet, maybe when I start seeing actual results, I'll get there.
I mean every year we go to the lake, its no surprise, and I'm so sick & tired of being overweight, especially at the lake, where only minimal clothing is required.
So, this post is to remind myself how great I feel right now, this very morning, after a nice 30 minute workout, and 2 miles on the treadmill.
It's to make a public declaration of my commitment to this, once & for all, I WILL lose weight while changing my habits.

Happy 2009!!